Camp Stove Rental
$19 + tax per stove rental + $5 + tax per extra bottle
What you get
One Coleman two-burner camp stove with a full bottle of propane. Bring your own pots & pans!
The $19 stove rental is per stay and if you need an extra bottle of propane, they’re $5/bottle.
Why get it
Our platform tents are not outfitted with camp stoves. They’re really handy when a burn ban prohibits campfires and charcoal fires, or when you’d like a quick and convenient option for cooking.
What it costs
$19 + tax per stove + $5 + tax per extra bottle
Tip: Food not included. Pack your own pots and pans! One propane bottle usually lasts 4 hours. Cooking results may vary!
Backup plan
You could pack your own stove, plan to cook over the campfire, or plan to takeaway from area restaurants. Our ‘Deluxe Campfire Kit’ is available to purchase separately. Either way – be sure to bring your own pots + pans!
*Subject to availability. Food and recipes not included. Please bring your own pots, pans, and everything you’ll need to cook on the stove burners.

Campfire Kit
$11.00 + tax per kit
What you get
A complete kit: fatwood fire starters + hand split kindling + a handful of hand-split alder logs + bamboo roasting sticks
Why get it
Our campsites are not outfitted with firewood. When you order one of our kits, we’ll haul it up the hill for you to enjoy on your campsite.
What it costs
$11.00 + tax per kit
Tip: Order the total number of kits that you’d like for your stay. While your results may vary, each kit usually offers a 2 – 3 hour campfire experience.
Backup plan
Standard-issue logs are usually available at the gas station, grocery, or State Park. Note that you’ll need to get those logs along with your own kindling, firestarters, and matches. Plus, you’ll still purchase and lug those boring old logs to your site.

Camp Coffee Concierge
$3.50 + tax per coffee delivery + coffee cost
What you get
Your favorite coffee shop coffee or tea dink – delivered to your site at 8:00am.
Why get it
Our platform tents are not outfitted with coffee-making comforts, so our Camp Coffee Concierge picks-up from a favorite in-town coffee shop and delivers your order to your picnic table.
What it costs
$3.50 + tax per drink delivery + the cost of the coffee drinks that you order
Tip: Because coffee drink orders can get complex, our Camp Coffee Concierge must know your order before 3:00pm the day before you’d like your delivery.
Backup plan
You could make the coffee run to town, or you could pack coffee fixins to make your own cup ‘o Joe. If you’re going DIY, consider our sold separately ‘Deluxe Campfire Kit,’ ‘Camp Stove’ and ‘Hot Beverage Basket.’
*Subject to availability. We’re on a small island with limited resources, so baristas may have to substitute your first choice(s).

Biodegradable Dish it Out Kit
$9 + tax per kit
What you get
Compostable & biodegradable flatware, drinkware, plates and bowls for the campfire feasts you create.
(4 sets) CPLA compostable cutlery (knife, fork, spoon)
(4) 12 oz sugarcane fiber bowls
(4) 9” round sugarcane fiber plates
(4) 6” round sugarcane fiber plates
(4) 6 oz PLA cold cup
(4) 12 oz compostable hot cup
Why get it
Our tents are not outfitted with table settings. Doing dishes isn’t much fun. Plus it’s spendy and not nice to our island or forest to bring standard plastic utensils and plates.
What it costs
$9 + tax per kit
Tip: Order to cover your guests and meal plans. A family of four that’ll need tableware for two meals per day per person, should order two kits per day.
Backup plan
You could pack your own dishes, eat out, or bring restaurant takeaway back to your site. There’s a dish-washing sink and spigot a short walk from our outfitted sites. Most restaurants are about a 15-minute drive away.
*Subject to availability. Food and recipes not included 😉

S’more Kit
$19 + tax per kit
What you get
Food ingredients that you’ll need to make about 12 gooey s’mores!
(18) Schar Honeygrams (gluten free, wheat free, lactose free and preservative free)
(10) Jules Destrooper Butter Crisps (made with Summer Butter, fresh free-range eggs and Tienen sugar)
(7) Hershey’s Milk chocolate bars
(1) 16 oz bag of marshmallows
(1) Roasting stick per guest
Why get it
Our glamping tents are not outfitted with food items, and our ‘Deluxe Campfire Kits’ are wood-only kits that make a nice campfire. If you’re looking for s’more fixings, then you’ll have to add this ‘S’more Kit’ to get the s’more goodies!
What it costs
$19 + tax per kit
Tip: Depending on how you build & ration, you should have enough ingredients for about 12 – 15 s’mores.
Backup plan
Pack your our sweet treats or stop by one of the Island grocery stores – they’re usually pretty well-stocked.
*Subject to availability. Campfire wood not included!

Propane Campfire Rental
$29 + tax per rental + propane usage
What you get
A propane campfire experience installed in your site’s campfire ring!
*Subject to availability and Park Ranger approval. Propane Campfire rentals are only available when there’s a burn ban in Moran State Park.
Why get it
***IMPORTANT: You can’t cook on a propane campfire***
This item is only available when wood and charcoal fires are prohibited. Without a wood fire, this propane replacement adds some heat and light to your campsite.
What it costs
$29 + tax per Propane Campfire rental + the cost of the propane that you use.
Backup plan
If you have your own portable campfire ring with an on/off switch, feel free to bring that along. Note that Washington state Ferries may prohibit or restrict propane bottles on-board.